Tuesday, June 2, 2009


While you all were asleep, we were strolling around Oxford...which was smaller than London and we liked it a lot more. We spent most of the day looking at a lot of the different colleges (and took SOO many pictures - and this is only day 3!).

God did a rad miracle for us...Ty had emailed the Merkles, telling them we were going to Oxford, but he wasn't able to check his email again. Mr. Merkle had emailed back, saying he'd meet us at the Christ Church front gate at noon. Magically, in all of Oxford, we happened to be at the gate at noon, looking for the three-adventure-filled-Laura-James-and-Walter, who'd gone on ahead, and there was Mr. Merkle! (yes, Miltenbergers, we found the three- they were exactly where they were suppose to be!). Mr. Merkle got us into Christ Church [college] for free (it's usually 12 dollars!) (because he's a 'member of the house') and showed us all sorts of things. Then he snuck us, 3-4 people at a time, cameras hidden in our backpacks, into the Great Hall (a 'cafeteria') (where Harry Potter scenes were filmed) to eat lunch! Mr. Merkle took us to more places (C.S. Lewis lamp post, burn spot of Cranmer, Ridley, etc,) while Ty had a really good meeting with the Economics people. (so he and Jenny might get to live here some day!!)

Then we wandered around looking at more stuff, ate dinner at 'The Eagle and Child' where C.S. Lewis and Tolkein met a lot, climbed a huge hill, while meredith stayed on the ground and took pics of us jumping...and then we got in trouble for being on the hill!!...and we did other rad things I can't remember, and then piled back on the train and rode exhausted home to London.

We're still exhausted and loopy, but we're off now to see Westminster castle, etc, and then watch 'As you like it' at the Globe, then ride a sleeper train to Scotland!

:) R


  1. Thank all of you for the posts! Appreicate your efforts to keep us informed. Love getting a bit more detail too. It let's all of us here (who wish we were there!) enjoy traveling vicariously with you!
    Love & prayers, The Jan-Jan

  2. It's been fun to read about all your adventures and see the pics--keep us posted here in good ole America!

  3. You got to eat at The Eagle and the Child?!! That had to be awesome!
